

This is a no-nonsense, compact, quick and dirty time zone calculation site.

I created it to practice and extend my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge after I acquired basic skills in these technologies. It was a fun learning experience.

The use of this app should be straightforward. You can get the current time in any time zone you pick, or convert a given moment (hours and minutes) at a given time zone into any time zones of your choice.

A section is dedicated to detailed help for the page and the explanations of the used abbreviations, as well as a short introduction for all the time zones and the concept itself.

Not yet mobile optimized.

Local Time:

Custom settings
h m
Target Time Zones

The site offers two features:

  1. default: displaying the current time in any number of time zones;
  2. custom: converting a given time of a given time zone to any number of time zones.

To utilize the default feature:
In the matrix of abbreviations select the zones you want the current time displayed in then click "Convert" to get them in a table.
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screenshot help
screenshot help

As for the custom:
Check the "Customize settings" box, pick the time zone you want the conversion use as the basis, add the hours (0-23) and minutes (0-59) you wish to convert, select the zones in the matrix of zone abbreviations you want convert into, then click "Convert".
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screenshot help screenshot help
screenshot help screenshot help

Other features:
"Select All" button to pick everything in the matrix;
"Clear All" button to quickly deselect everything in there;
"Restart" to reset the whole application.

If you are finding yourself getting lost among the abbreviations, check The List